Assessing the Effectiveness of SLM Measures in Restoring Forest Ecosystem Services Disturbed by Forest Fires: A case study in the Odiáxere catchment using OpenLISEM
Monitorização da ocupação privativa do espaço marítimo nacional
Literacia para o Oceano em Portugal : estado atual e perspetivas futuras
Desenvolvimento de propostas de gestão para áreas marinhas protegidas offshore
Biofertilizers and the increment of tomato yield in different greenhouse systems
Impact of recreational trails in flora distribution and composition: study case in Brijuni National Park, Croatia
Apreensões de espécimes CITES em Portugal : análise tendencial dos últimos 20 Anos
Estado de populações de truta-de-rio em Portugal: influência de fatores ambientais, bióticos e do ordenamento da pesca
Applying network theory to bat roosts to assess the impact of humaninduced environmental stressors
Comparação da Evolução da Economia do Mar de Portugal, Islândia, Noruega e Reino Unido
Examining the Socioeconomic Benefits of Oysters: A Provisioning Ecosystem Service from the Mangroves of Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
Spatial and Temporal Variations of Cockle (Cerastoderma spp.) Populations in Two Portuguese Estuarine Systems With Low Directed Fishing Pressure
Microbial consortium increases maize productivity and reduces grain phosphorus concentration under field conditions
Impact of flow regulation for hydroelectric production in the movement patterns, growth and condition of a potamodromous fish species
Efficient assessment of nocturnal flying insect communities by combining automatic light traps and DNA metabarcoding
Integrating a hydrological model into regional water policies: Co-creation of climate change dynamic adaptive policy pathways for water resources in southern Portugal
Non-indigenous species in soft-sediments: Are some estuaries more invaded than others?
An expert-based assessment of global threats and conservation measures for spiders
Some scientific papers resulting from dissertations and internships
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